Our beautiful brick building was erected in 1885.



Welcome to Michael Avery & Co!


Fabulous art on loan from local artist Mark Moore.


The wall behind Fischer's eisel is a decoupage of parcel and newspaper.


Michelle doesn't usually let me get closer than this with the camera!


Master Colorist Michelle Cruz perfecting her craft.
(I used my ninja camera skills to get this shot!)


Minnie's client is so excited to be the flower girl in the wedding!


Styling hair builds strong muscles!


Halloween 2008
Fischer ain't no angel. and Michael, well...

Halloween really is our favorite holiday!
We don't really take ourselves too seriously... we just like to have fun!


Halloween 2009
Dr. Michael, Nurse Fischer
and Michelle, the "ghost boo boo" (get it? - boo boo?!)


Nurse Fischer was a very NAUGHTY nurse!


Halloween 2010
Our wedding theme! Naturally Michael was BRIDEZILLA!!!


Halloween 2011
Tippi Hedron from the Afred Hitchcock film The Birds,
Shirley Temple, Audrey Hepburn, Elvis & Lucille Ball!
(oh! and snow white!)


Halloween 2012
You KNOW the Golden Girls: Rose, Blanche, Dorothy, Sophia...
and of course, Dorothy's ex-husband Stan!

